Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tri-State Water Negotiations Continue

Earlier this week, the Miami Herald reported on the ongoing Georgia/Alabama/Florida water negotiations.
According to the article, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal says he's going to start concentrating his energy on negotiations with Alabama.  But why don't we focus on making some changes here in Atlanta?

Georgia's "water supply task force" met for the first time Monday - a committee organized to help Deal examine the state's water supply options as population and water use expands, and access to Lake Lanier becomes more tenuous.  Though still new on the job, the task force seems to be most concerned with finding new supply - in other words, building more reservoirs.  Before we build new massive, above-ground water storage facilities we need to start looking at ways to use the water we have more efficiently.  Hopefully the task force will also take conservation measures seriously.  Los Angeles offers a great model on how to get started.

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